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What Is Flutter & What are its benefits?

What is Flutter

Flutter is a new app development platform that is being held as a possible competitor to Apple's IOS and Google's Android. So, what is Flutter, and what is it used for? Keep reading to find out! In this post, we'll explore Flutter's history and features and show you how it can help you create better apps.

What Is Flutter?

Flutter is a new app development platform provided by Google to build multifunctional mobile, web, and desktop applications from a single codebase. It has made it easy to create a real native application without using a series of codes. The two main code editors developed by Flutter are Android Studio and VS Code.

History of Flutter

The idea of Flutter was first generated in 2015 in the form of "Sky" and was later officially released in May 2017. Many versions of Flutter have been introduced so far, with each update bringing more advanced features.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Flutter?

Flutter has proven to be the easiest and least complex app development platform for the following reasons.

1. Cost-effective

Flutter is a free and open-source mobile UI framework provided by Google, making it a budget-friendly option for app development.

2. Create multi-purpose apps using one codebase

Flutter allows the creation of native mobile applications with only one codebase. You don't have to waste time and resources generating too many codes to create a single application.

3. Easy to learn and create apps

The programming language used in Flutter is Dart and it is easy to learn and create apps.

4. Quick and real-time results

Flutter provides quick and real-time results for your creation, making it the best choice if you have to give a presentation to your clients.

5. Detailed and easy-to-understand documentation 

Flutter has a very detailed and easy-to-understand documentation system, making it easy for the developers to check and solve any issues arising in the app.

Flutter Course For Beginners At Softloom IT Training

If you want to build a career in mobile app development, having a piece of knowledge in Flutter can prove to be a driving force for your career. At Softloom, we provide you with a professional course on Flutter for beginners. Check out our Flutter Course for Beginners: A step-by-step guide for more information.



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